Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Fashion And Beauty Magazines | Fashion And Beauty Magazines Online | Fashion And Beauty Blogs

More than 40 000 years ago the population of Western Europe itself is decorated with ornaments of ivory and bone. Clothing, are used to protect them from the elements or to provide coverage for modesty, came much later. This northern Europe, the first animal skin hanging around them for protection against the cold around 25,000 BC. In the Mediterranean and the Middle East, from crops such as hemp, and her sheep and goats, woven into a soft cloth, which not only protects against the sun, but also indicate social status form. Start of textiles, made in Anatolia in Turkey, dating from around 6500 BC.

As civilization developed, until the dressing style also changes. In Egypt, Greece and Rome, clothes packed, while the northern and eastern Europeans wearing seamed, tubular garments. In the world of classical gown, worn not only by governments but also by the philosopher and teacher, as a symbol of civilization. Pants and tunic, however, is considered a special barbarian, tribal society.

But the idea of ​​fashion, with a cycle that never changed styles and trends, first held in the middle of 1300 in Paris, London and the Italian city-states, while the elite of their clothes pressure to perform strict dress code tastefully furnished to the final display.Robes men, who were only the length, are now reaching above the knee, while the women dress altered by the impact, the release buttons and cleavage. If a person required to periodically change their silhouette - a trend that coincided with the growing international textile trade - cutting and sewing developed.

Early in the hands of fashion elite, who try their social superiority over the merchants' sumptuary laws "to prohibit and maintained to impose textile yeomen of memory and extravagant embroidery. But the French code of dress, according to a fixed social hierarchy and etiquette manners, the revolution of 1789. Powdered wigs and extended her left, is not decorated with men's embroidery and lace, and she has the simple empire dresses. Style for a sign of independence, the adoption of self-interest.
No longer keep the aristocracy, would be associated with the avant-garde, romantic writers and artists, political activists and dandy.

In English affordable, mass-produced printed textiles and fashion accessories made available through the Industrial Revolution. This is popular with the middle class, which they saw as a way to their new faith and success to express. For men now lie in the strength of a company, not the judge. Dark institutions 'uniform' of men, while women paraded through their own family situation and clothing their children. Femininitas fashion and are closely intertwined. Women skirts and burdened by their mobility is limited by good footwear.

In the late 1800s tried to start making the dress she was "absurd". But the ideals of beauty and fashion to power, with department stores that offer ready copies of the latest styles in magazines, photographs of the society and make from the beginning of 1900, the cinema. From the beginning of the consumer-oriented 20th-century fashion and beauty industry was launched.

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